A low-cost, fee-only, no-load and ETF focused registered investment advisor.
One size fits all is fine when you’re buying socks or a ski hat, but your investment portfolio? Not so much. Unlike many advisors that cram your money into the same cookie-cutter portfolio as all their other clients, we work with you to find the perfect blend of investments that's appropriate for your situation and risk level.

MAXadvisor Private Management is a pure, fee-only advisor. Fund companies don't pay us to sell their funds, and that's very important. We recommend investments based solely on what we believe is best for you – not those that will earn us the largest sales commissions. Each quarter you get an easy-to-read bill that lists our fee is in plain black and white, and that fee is all we charge. We don’t make a dime from hidden fees, retainers, brokerage commissions, hourly charges, front-end loads, back-end loads, level loads, or anything else.

Our annual management fee is just 0.50% for the first $3 million of assets under management (and just 0.30% on balances over $3 million). A recent study found that the average advisory fee for households with $1,000,000 was 1.02%. In 20 years, 1.02% fee would reduce the value of a million dollar portfolio by $238,801 more than the same portfolio with 0.50% fee. A 2.00% fee, paid by 15% of advisory clients, would reduce portfolio value by $628,838.

MAXadvisor Private Management is registered with the state of Florida and headquartered in Miami, but we’ve got clients all over the United States. And while we may not be located right down the street, we’re always happy to chat on the phone or via email.

Use our online calendar to schedule a free phone consultation. We'll answer your questions and discuss our services (without launching into the hard sell - we hate that as much as you do). If, after your consultation, you decide MAXadvisor Private Management isn't for you, no problem. We'll wish you luck and won't call you again.